Jim Allistair is actually a prick. I mean seriously. He's this right wing nut over here in Northern Ireland who decided to form his own splinter party after his original one decided to cooperate with those of opposing ideologies.
Anyway, at Belfast Gay Pride some parader held up a sign reading "Jesus had two dads, and he turned out fine". He's now demanding an apology claiming that it was "highly offensive."
The man in question had held up the sign at the Christian protesters, from the loving folks at the Free Presbyterian Church. While I agree the sign was genuinely offensive to those of a theistic persuasion, it is still no grounds to demand an apology.
Considering the Presbyterians were at the parade declaring through speaker phones that all homosexuals were inherently sinful despite it being beyond their control and were therefore deserving of eternal torment for the gender they happened to love, *breath*, I don't think Jim has much of a case.
As such I think I'm more than justified in saying there are no grounds for apology, considering it was exercising of free speech, significantly less offensive on the marcher's behalf and there being zero legal grounds.
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